Thursday, October 24, 2013

November Market Update...

Loving this autumn weather! 

As fall gifts us a majestic display of warm hues, the most popular question I am asked this time
of year is “How will the change of seasons affect the market?”   Allow me give you an overview
of what can be expected in the Stark County Real Estate market over the next three months…

Trending reveals that the market will stay brisk with buyer activity through the middle of November. During that time you will see sellers get a bit more competitive with pricing, as buyers get a bit more motivated to get under contract and moved into prior to the holidays. 

After mid November through the start of January two things will happen - First, sellers that are not as motivated will take their home off the market. This is great news for the more serious home sellers as it equates to less competition. Second, you will see buyer activity slow down. The flipside is that buyers still looking for a home during that time are going to be highly motivated. The reality is that most everyone looking to buy during those couple of months are usually driven by a serious need to purchase a home.  So, you will see less buyer traffic, BUT the pool of buyers tends to be highly motivated and realistic. 

Another key question to ask when deciding the best time to sell your home is “When does my home look its absolute best?” Often, it's right around the holidays when homes are nicely decorated and warmly accessorized. 

January will usher in tremendous pick up in buyer activity.  All of those buyers that wanted to buy a home in 2013 typically resurface and get very serious about purchasing at the start of the year. 

Each season brings with it definite pros and cons.  My advice…no matter the time of the year, if your house is priced correctly, marketed aggressively and shows nicely… IT WILL SELL. If you would like to discuss strategy regarding the sale of your home, call us at 330-649-5540. 

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